
A lot of fans liked the second film just fine. A lot of fans liked the recent video game just fine. Murray signed on for both of those productions, so it seems strange that he'd firmly deny going back to the well again now. Especially since the game was released in 2009, just a couple years ago. I've also heard he was

I think the thing here is that what iTunes is selling will not actually be remasters. They're re-encodes. New encodes of old digital masters. If new masters were created, those new masters would themselves have new copyrights on them. But merely re-encoding the uncompressed old masters at different bitrates isn't

I'm usually a bit of an apologist when it comes to Hollywood adaptations of foreign material. I don't mind slight changes in characterization, names being changed are OK with me, and most of the race lift stuff doesn't bug me. For example, it doesn't bother me when Goku, an alien, is played by a White actor. It

I'm not in favor of the government paying for any medical service, except when the person is unable to pay for the necessary procedure themselves, especially in the case of emergencies.

Tethering isn't required to hit numbers that high. Heavy streaming and heavy downloading can be done directly on the phone too. I know I easily hit dozens of GB each month on my unlimited plan, and the majority of it comes from downloading music/video on the phone itself and streaming via Netflix.

Dvorak only has slight advantages at best and requires relearning from the ground up. QWERTY is already standard and is the first keyboard anyone learns, so it's best and easiest to be most proficient at that. And really, I can't imagine Mr. cptobvius there actually uses a Dvorak keyboard. Few people do, even those

"Why do I have to pay for someone's poor decisions? If someone is too stupid to use proper protection"... No contraception is 100%. It's possible to become pregnant even while mixing multiple choices, each with ~99% reported success rates. Even if the pill is taken as directed, even if the condom doesn't break, even

That's different. If a locked file cabinet is seized, law enforcement would be justified to ask her to open it. But she doesn't have to. If she denies owning the key to the lock, or forgets where the key is, law enforcement still would be justified to use the contents as evidence, but she cannot be locked up

It's called This Movie is Not Yet Rated. And actually, the NC-17 rating wasn't just because the film exposed the evils of the organization. The NC-17 rating was due to them adding a scene to the movie to SHOW the audience what sort of scene is likely to cause a film to get a NC-17 rating. If memory serves, they also

It's kind of hard to hold a phone with a 4.5 inch screen AND a bluetooth controller at the same time. I've seen a few iPhone cases with bluetooth sliding keyboards built in though, and that would be nice to see applied to the concept of smartphone gaming. But again, you run into the problem for Android where

I love keyboards. What's the deal with the sizing on keyboard phones though? Slab phones frequently come in at over 4 inches, but a keyboard phone is lucky to get just 4? I settled for a Galaxy Nexus because size/resolution trumped keyboard this time around after being annoyed at how small my OG Droid is, but I would

It doesn't "make more sense" to buy a DVD copy if you ever intend on watching the movie at home on a nice screen. DVDs looks like garbage compared to Blu-rays... when you're using a large screen. This portable setup probably doesn't need it, but I've bought hundreds of Blu-rays that included neither DVD or digital

"Some stuff just works better in its original medium"

Create something original? You mean the way Alan Moore created "something original" when he adapted the Charlton Comics characters DC had recently acquired the legal rights to? Moore can play with characters other people created, but no one can play with characters that Moore helped define?

Actually, SHIELD in a Spider-man movie at Columbia is possible. It's actually a Marvel co-production. Marvel could allow Columbia to use the name SHIELD (even if Columbia wouldn't bring in any of the SHIELD characters). Marvel would still retain rights over SHIELD and all the characters. This is different than, say,

I got so excited when I saw "looks like a big RAZR" when they were describing a new Droid. Finally, one of the monster phones with a screen bigger than 4 inches also has a physical keyboard? I've been waiting so long for a phone bigger than 4 inches that also has a physical keyboard. But this isn't "like a big RAZR".

Yeah, I saw The Lion King in 3D when it was in theaters recently and it was great. The 3D was totally organic-looking and was really well-done. It looked as though the thing was conceived as a 3D film in the first place. I went into it expecting a crappy post-conversion, but I was stunned. If new 3D versions means

"Camptastic luchadore mask"? How about Batman's ears on his mask? How about Scarecrow's burlap sack of a mask? How about Joker's intentionally silly facepaint? A well-written character paired with good art design can make outlandish things seem more reasonable. I think a lot of people never would have thought they

@YummyCyanide: You ignored my example of going from no audio to mono audio to stereo audio to surround audio. What is gained from the difference between mono audio and 5.1 surround is very similar to what is gained by stereoscopic video versus standard. It's not about utlity per se, it's about merely adding more

@YummyCyanide: They said the same thing about other technical advances: film in general, sound for film, color for film/TV, multichannel audio. Once the technology can support the new advent transparently and cost effectively, it'll take over just the same as color took over even as some people dug their heels in and