A. Random Asshole

I get that criticism, but I lived in Vermont when he was just a state senator.  He and Howard Dean got majorly shit on for trying to drag VT into the 21st century by being one of the first states to legalize “civil unions” and, later, actual gay marriage. I’m not gonna shit on him for being the one old fuck who’s ahea

So we’re sending a fucking hostage negotiator because some dumb fuck and his bodyguards beat the piss out of a guy who said mean things and *gasp* threw headphones, with the whole thing caught on video and was rightfully arrested and kept as a flight risk... Yup, dumbest possible timeline.



Bitch, your broke ass isn't anywhere near the bracket that should be taxed to death.  You could pull a Cobain and literally nobody would give a fuck.

If dump and/or Clinton raped kids, chuck all three in a hole and cover it with concrete.

That’s an amazing idea that’s never gonna happen. Their entire executive staff would have to be replaced and the line itself would need to improve before anything like that could begin. Everything about HD is so old fashioned and set in its ways so I could see a smaller, more forward-thinking bike maker getting in

The show is animated so they could literally phone it in.

If you had read the article, it says he left the gang before the successful attempt to get out and now has ptsd.  But you just had to rush down here and open your fat mouth...

Ok full disclosure my and my wife’s wedding cake literally had “may the force be with you” written on top. Aaaaaaaaaanyway...

Jesse was on that show too, playing her brother.

Good.  Dances With Blue Wolves should have never had that spot in the first place.

Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say he's not entirely off base there.  During the final season websites like io9, AV club, and others like them kept putting up stories about that stupid coffee cup, mischaracterized quotes from cast members to make them sound critical of the show, even one claiming Kit Harrington went into

Now that cg doubles are good enough for closeups I'd think the number would have gone down, at least for movies.

No, you're just stupid.

It'd be more fun to watch you pound pickle relish up your ass.  Have at it.

All beef, not angus, nuked with split top, on sammich bread with mayo n white cheddar under the dog and in the split.

Aunt May dimension-hopping CONFIRMED somebody send this to Germaine immediately!

I read that whole segment thinking “that sounds fucking stupid” but was surprised because the poster legit looks cool.  Still not gonna watch the fuckin thing though.

That’s probably the only way I’d want him to come back. Not that he wasn’t great or anything but Movie Crossbones is the type to take one shot at Cap and kill himself doing it.  There are a couple villains (Klaue, Ultron) that should have lived longer and a bunch who were also great but too dangerous to keep alive