
I think you’re shitting too much on Caps fans. Most Redskins fans (Jim-Bob from Warrenton, probably) are unaware that we have a hockey team.

This is true, but the fan base has actually become significantly more inclusive since they moved to the Verizon. My dad had tickets back when they were out in the old Caps Center, and who-boy, those folks were rednecks.

Somebody’s looking to get their Drew Magary brownie points for the day!

He’s going to need a lot of ketchup cake for this.

If you’re truly dedicated, every pizza is an individual pizza.

He’ll be right up there with Clebold and Harris as one of the greatest shooters in Columbine history.

Now playing

Hey, NFC East! Get ready to suck some DAK!

‘thanks and your welcome’

+1 Hedley Lamar. (That’s HEDLEY!)

This is one leaked nude I’m going to have to pass on.....

Lana, the helium!!

Also, I still love the image of the Avenger’s Food Court with Kraven’s Last Bundt.

Where we’re going you don't need college.

Ronald Reagan? The actor?!?!?

No worries, he’s got a back up plan.

Lotus/Caterham Seven.

Darth Wader

But really Top Gear has been in Simpsons for years.

Well...SHE’S planning to stay...we’ll see what Verizon’s plans are.

You get a new car, you get a new car,..... Beees!!!