The Atlanta Falcons were up 25 points with only 2 quarters left and rather than continue to run up the score...well, you know the rest.
The Atlanta Falcons were up 25 points with only 2 quarters left and rather than continue to run up the score...well, you know the rest.
[brazzers logo]
As the white ranger
We haven’t seen Will Turner in the trailers yet?
I still watch it, but I’m usually on my phone scrolling through memes and looking up occasionally and saying “Wait, what?” What did it for me was part 1 the ending to season 6 (unnecessary cliff hanger, but whatever) and part 2 the dragging out of the reveal of who died in the season 7 premier until the end of the…
What food(s) constipate you?
Black Mirror SE: 03 EP: 05 “Men Against Fire”
It is!
There are a few gay parts (2 gay and 1 possible cross-dressing realization in a minor character who turns out to also be gay). So LeFou is gay. That’s made clear early on. Josh Gad perfectly plays Gay LeFou. When I say the gay shit are the best parts its because every scene Gad is in is made better by his presence.…
Holy shit this movie..
According to DMC there were three painted DeLoreans. They were shipped from the factory as stainless and sent to the US where the US DMC offices, through a sub contractor, had one painted red, one black and one yellow. The red DeLorean was eventually stripped of its paint because the owner didn’t realize the car’s…
I can’t look at a Z3 and not see the least cool Bond car ever.
I’m more of a Diamond City Radio or Radio Freedom kinda guy myself.
GRRM has no pages. He is going to wait until HBO gives GoT the Sopranos ending treatment then use the fan outrage to alter the ending of Winds of Winter to make the fan base happier (or angrier..)
My Turkish wife was surprised to find this out when applying for her drivers license. I just kept repeating “One of us” until she hit me.
Pacing, character development and motivation..those are my only two gripes. They are outweighed by how the ending provided us more insight into the intro to Ep IV. All we knew before was that the rebels had stolen the DS plans and had won a victory over the empire. The Ep IV intro shows Vader chasing down and boarding…
The Oracle in The Matrix was the best actor re-cast explanation I’ve seen. Basically they said one body died, so here I am in another one. Slightly more subtle than Rhodes’ opening line in Iron Man 2 “Its me, I’m here, get over it.”
Being unaware of your inability to pull off this look is the only way you can pull off wearing these clothes.