
Then why talk about it? If its not possible, then you are just saying random stuff.

The Switch only uses one screen, how would it be different then the ps4/xbox/pc port? Except its a touch screen I guess.

Except the Wii U used 2 screens and the Switch only uses one. Makes it hard to port titles that used it a lot like mario maker. If Switch got the game, it would be the Zombi port.

ever had jerky, its literally meat that was left to dry. Also did you know most beef you buy is aged 15 days and then they cut off the crust that forms and serve you the meat thats still good inside. Enjoy.

I respectfully didn’t read the article is more accurate.

So PC port by 2020? Damn it, its gonna be worth the wait, the PC version of GTA 5 took 400 hours of my life.

I wish that they didn’t gate the online play behind the paywall. I’d pay 20$ a year just to get access to their classic game library, as long as they have enough games. FORCING me to pay so I can keep playing Splatoon 2 online or Mario Kart 8 Online is bogus tho. I like when as a consumer I feel like I have a choice

It can go either way. I have friends with diplomas working shitty jobs, I dropped out of school and make enough doing freelance work to live very comfortably. Hard work and discipline goes a long way. Internet changed the way we learn too, it’s not just for porn. If he makes enough money and uses it well, he can be

As if Nintendo would refuse a Call of Duty game or a EA game on the switch. Lol. You know how publishing works right? As long as the games passes certification and publishers pay theirs dues, Nintendo would never tell them what to develop. If you look on the eshop, there are currently ports of mobile f2p games, you

The best use I saw for it is with interactive installations, but that is a very niche market of geek/nerd artist. I thought they would just make it more PC friendly and market it as a “nice” webcam. Anything gaming wise was atrocious.

Not going to defend his actions towards his wife and family, those things are not cool, but if you ever watched his stream, he is far from being an asshole, he is more like a mouse acting tough.

The ISP are making money sure, but a company like Google thrives under net neutrality. If they have to pay to ISP extra, why wouldn’t they move to Canada to save money?

I am wondering how will this affect us in Canada. We seem to be pretty set on keeping net neutrality here, so will we be only affected by american services like Facebook? Won’t this incentivize tech giants to move up here to Canada?

Does it play youtube videos tho?

When queuing an online game, PC players can be matched with other players across both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms, while the two consoles can’t be matched up together yet. Microsoft, Sony and Psyonix are currently in talks to enable full PS4/PC/Xbox One cross-platform matchmaking.

Does the Switch version have crossplay with Ps4 and PC? I wonder how these skins will show up to those consoles.

That’s how most tech companies work. Only a very few actually make products from scratch. Most find different components from different manufacturers and put them inside the one thing they do design, the case. Go to a store and look at headphones, most of those headphones probably have exactly the same components

I always wondered how these efforts for hiring specific gender work out over actual skills and experience. If you have 10 male candidates with 20 yrs experience and 1 woman with 2 years experience are they supposed to select the woman just because they are hiring woman? Wouldn’t the gap in gender be stemmed by the

What about drivers? Does it just work as is? Does the PCB decide what key does what?

I agree. If they hiked the price by adding content and bundling the DLC to make everyone be on the same content, that would be good, but just raising the price without any real improvement? Now I’ll NEVER buy this game.