
I am so freaking excited about this game. Im already a total south park fanboy, but the fact that the games are like interactive seasons makes it that much more amazing.

Lol, start by making a single good game, let alone a series that spanned 10 years and then you can talk. Kojima can be Kojima, I think the splash screen and preview for Death Stranding both looked awesome.

The world doesn’t revolve around you buddy.

wasnt Titanfall a Source game. Looked fantastic.

If you find the site shitty, then what are you doing on it. You must really hate yourself if you spend your time on things you don’t like. Find a site you find is good and go to it, and kindly FUCK OFF.

Damn thats good.

My Steam name for ever was just Shoe. So many people didnt get it.

Im not a bomb expert, but I thought most of these robots disarm bombs by blowing them up.

What is there to explain? I don’t use those browsers for anything else, I didn’t want to use it just to watch Netflix in full HD. The Netflix app was my answer.

All I was saying is the game turning F2P isnt the reason the early supporters should be pissed, it should be the way the devs put so much DLC it made people stay away from the game leading it to be F2P.

After the fact, F2P could be a way for the game to be playable again instead of having a 60$ you will never be able

For me it was my power supply. It was slowly failing and my gaming performance went to shit. I thought it was the GPU until the PSU completely gave out. Once I replaced it, my comp works better then ever.

I could see it working in a city like Montreal or Paris where they have really amazing looking cathedrals, I mean those building just look amazing regardless of their religious ties.

I means its all coded so its pretty easy. When choosing a motherboard, look at the CPU socket type and then get a CPU that fits into the socket. Then the other thing is Ram, but again, the mobo supports a type of ram, so all you need is to match the numbers.

There are quite a few types of CPU and RAM but you don’t need

Haha I feel you. Also those single pins are tiny, sometimes they can be a bit annoying to plug in, especially with big hands.

You’re saying this as if before 9/11 you could just walk onto a plane with a gun. Of course you want basic security, but the TSA is doing a horrible job at it.

I got the netflix app after learning that Chrome and Firefox caps it at 720p. No way in hell was I going to use Internet Explorer/Edge just to watch 1080p Netflix.

I feel the guns laws make it even worse. People legally have guns, which in turn makes cops edgy, which in turn makes them trigger happy. Add to that some institutional racism and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. If you look at Canada, the cops don’t automatically assume everyone has a gun, so they are less trigger

Its so easy, and now with the internet, its easier then ever. Just make sure your CPU and RAM is the right type for your MOBO and you are pretty much good to go.

Basically, if you follow the instructions of your MOBO, everything should hook up nicely.

I remember my first build, had everything in, turn it on, and black

Samesis. I found a G2A key for the game for 5$, and now I get founder status. Even if I end up playing only a few hours, 5$ aint bad if it can help me negate some of their micro transactions.

Im always weary of F2P games, Im curious on how they will implement the feature. One thing I hate about some F2P games is that their prices for in game items goes out of control.

If they can balance it right, I will def try it out. I always wanted to play, but the price was steep, and then by the time the game was

On one hand, of course the gamer who payed 60$ would be annoyed. On the other, this could bring a large influx of new players in, so it could give them the chance to play it again. Its not like its better for their 60$ to just be lost because no one plays the game anymore.