One of my favorite "new" artists.

If your car is stolen, call Jalopnik! I'd say that's a key element in keeping it alive.

F30 M3. BMW's best car returns.

Nah. Too easy. I like the challenge of trying to get away with it. I also enjoy putting the public at risk by driving around with an expired registration tag.

haha, I will actually do this on occasion, but only if the person who pulls up behind me has been tailgating me previously. I figure it's one way of letting him know that I'm in a manual transmission car, and can potentially roll back into his bumper.

Takes an extra 10 seconds, tops. In that 10 seconds, you can drive past the spot, ensure that it's actually empty and clear of any motorcycles, Miatas, small children, caltrop traps, or Rascal scooters. The real benefit of it is when you leave. No need to be panickly checking your mirrors when you back out of the spot

I went to publik skool



E46 M3 CSL (or manual E46 M3) and E39 M5 are on the top of my wishlist though, I do not disagree with the list.

Angrily protesting the absence of the E86 M Coupe.

Why is the E39 M5 so far down that list?


Yes! I would just go back a few generations:

I've come that close before while parallel parking.
