No siempre wey. La arroba está pasando de moda, y la e sirve más para pronunciación. Sustituir por una x es cada vez más común.

Well that’s patent nonsense. 

It wouldn’t take Kraft that much money to change the color of the package. They pay millions for training about cross contamination(heavily on allergens), but some dipshiat in marketing really screwed the pooch this time. 

having surgery to feel like a different species

If a Christian, or anyone at all, talks hateful crap about LGBT folks being inferior or bad in any way, I call them a bigot. If A Christian, or anyone, talks hateful crap about a person of color, and says they are inferior or bad in any way, I call them a bigot. Because they are.


Because I want you to understand that sexual and romantic relationships between men are gay and that using them as a punchline is homophobic. That you’re defending the same cartoon as someone who keeps calling me a fag should tell you something.

Homophobia isn’t trivial. That you get your politics from a Chris Rock routine that he’s disavowed because it granted white people license to be racist is both obvious and fucking terrible.

So you’re one of those people who think Obama is a Marxist then?

No, I want you, as someone who likes it, to mount a defence for this cartoon in light of me being called a fag for agreeing that it is homophobic.

No, stupid. They’re not.

Then why am I being called a fag in response to my defence of this article?

Then why is someone calling me a fag for thinking it’s homophobic?

So you’re seriously going to keep defending the cartoon that has inspired someone else on here to start calling me a fag? And you really don’t think it’s about gayness being inherently negative?

You definitely didn’t get that article. ResistanceHole articles are mocking the people that engage in this type of stuff, not those who object to it. ResistanceHole is a site entirely dedicated to mocking shitty liberals. Splinter, here, is explicitly calling out shitty liberals.

Straight people can do that too. To depict acts of what you perceive as wrongdoing to be unexplainable other than through gayness is homophobic.

Yes, that liberals engage in homophobia is one of the many reasons the left can’t take liberals seriously.

That gayness is supposedly inherently negative is what is meant to make it funny. That’s what makes it homophobic.

Imagine if Hillary Clinton was president right now and the right-wing media was obsessed with depicting her as a puppet of Chinese President Xi Jingping, and Fox News produced a cartoon like this, depicting Hillary’s relationship with Xi as a softcore-pornographic adolescent romance fantasy.

We’d all be able to see how