(Also, lol at the greys commenting at you. Sure, Australia is a dystopian nightmare place. You’ve ever been there, Anon?)

The police might not be so quick to gun down black men if the culture of gun ownership was integrated into all areas of the society. “I don’t want to be another hashtag” is one of his oft-repeated slogans.

Oh my god, oh my god. I knew you were going to pull this off: you’re not racist, you’re a race realist. So predictable. Thanks for confirming my hunch! Also, what Lana said about those stats.

I am not responsible for the decades of cultural failure of a group of people, a cultural failure that extends back centuries to their ancestral homeland to this day.

Well said. The cognitive dissonance of these types... “I think all black people are a cultural failure, but how dare you call me racist!”

Damn right. AOE II got its latest new expansion this very year, 17 years after its release, and it doesn’t stant the test of time? Against a game that is only 5 years old? Who knows if Skyrim will really be around that much longer, especially if a new Elder Scrolls game comes out and outperforms it?

I can’t believe that ABZU lost the “Sit Back and Relax” award to Euro Truck Simulator 2. Granted though, personally I’ve never considered driving a relaxing activity.

Which race has elongated ears, huge domed heads and teeth/fangs the size of my face?

The censorship actually comes from the video itself, though.

Tracer and Mei or nothing.

Squidward won, so yes.

Ah, cool. Thank you very much for the sources and your perspective.

And as one of the few black people who exist in the Gawker comments, it is too bad nobody will read that comment, haha.

to want to be rid of all the people who espouse those beliefs is quite another

Are you saying that SJWs are bigoted? Or the people who are cautiously concerned about the SJW movement?

It’s not needless. People need to know who they’re making business with.

The politics of people related to the tech industry are of utmost importance to discussion about tech. These people have power and, lately, they’ve been using it to promote harmful ideas.

To bigoted people on the left. They exist, and they are legion.