Lots of people who will not be strongly affected by the worst of his policies’ impacts.

Such is the sad state of affairs: most people are more worried about being called a rapist/racist/whatever, than of inadvertently partaking in such behaviors; more offended about the accusations than the acts themselves. They want the dirt to get swept under a rug so that they can feel they live in a perfect world,

Here’s your problem: you understand the issue of triggers and trigger warnings in too much detail. Try lowering your empathy levels a little and you may be lucky enough to see the light.

So, is being a contrarian troll going to be your whole shtick from now on? This is getting old fast.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan!!!

Gamergate was harassment and forcing sites to comply with their views by putting on enough pressure that advertisers pull out. They succeeded because of coverage.

So... can we call Fukushima The Zone now?

I was expecting to see an article about Omikron soon, and I’m certainly not disappointed. I just replayed it for the... fourth? fifth? time last year and, aside from the graphics and some rusty controls, I think the main adventure still holds up. I really wish there was a sequel*/remake, but considering where David

I’m glad to see Transformers: Devastation there, but extremely disappointed by the lack of SOMA; I think it deserved at least a mention, but oh well.

The shitty behaviour of others towards her, and an entire gender while they’re at it (and sexual orientations, and ethnicities, if you dig deep enough).

Anyway, I don’t get what’s so awful about getting paid to speak; a lot of professionals of all kinds of disciplines do it (and Anita has bachelor and master’s degrees,

Believe it or not, I’m a teacher and I actually know many young children and teenagers that greatly enjoy retro games despite having modern options available. Just about two weeks ago I overheard a ten-year-old proudly talking about his collection of emulated NES games, and I remember a teenager that once told me how

This is especially cool considering that Master Roshi finally gets to kick some ass once again in Resurrection ‘F’. Watching him back in action instead of only as comic relief was certainly one of the highlights of the movie for me.

How about Omikron: The Nomad Soul? It’s actually one of my favorite games, and I consider it “so good, it’s good” (though I do admit it’s not without issues, the different gameplay styles are uneven in quality and it has a rushed ending - which I hear is a constant with Cage). For the record, it’s the only one of his

I remember playing an Alien 3 game on the Game Gear about 20 years ago and I enjoyed it because it was fiendishly difficult (to my 10 year old self anyway) and I relished the challenge. I'm not sure whether it was actually objectively any good though because my 10 year old self thought that every video game was

You know, sharks don't frighten me in the slightest. Jellyfish, on the other hand... oh boy. Most shark attacks are accidents, the result of the animal examinating a strange object in the only way it can, with its mouth. In contrast, jellyfish want to bump into things, that's their whole shtick. The fact that their

I agree with you, though to be fair Sega is doing stuff and making money with this particular property right now, by including Ryo in the All-Stars Racing series (especially in the PC version of Transformed, where he is paid DLC). It may not be much, a disappointing fate for the IP if you will, but still.

Not quite true, Tintin has recurring characters Bianca Castafiore and her maid Irma. The former has a whole album dedicated to her, and a couple of badass moments sprinkled throughout the series as well (for example, she hides Tintin from an evil colonel, cleverly extracting information out of him in the process).

You know, I actually don't mind that much, because as far as I'm concerned Ghostbusters 3 already came out in 2009 in the form of "Ghostbusters: The Video Game". In fact, I was afraid that Ghostbusters 3 would have ignored it, while a reboot cannot put the game out of continuity.

All I can say is: haters gonna hate. I've spent hundreds of hours of fun with Sonic's games, and no amount of whining and complaining from the detractors can take that away from me, nor diminish my enjoyment of future playthroughs.

According to the game's developers, though, Transformed was already in production when Mario Kart 7 was announced, and the E3 reveal was an "oh, crap" moment for them. Granted, that doesn't necessarily mean that the concept is wholly original, as Diddy Kong Racing had racing in boats, cars and planes before, but still.