My favorite is The Lost World on the Genesis. Great graphics for the console, large explorable areas, a wide variety of missions, and those epic 3D 'boss' levels. Driving the vehicles was especially fun, even though the controls were a bit sloppy. I also liked those small touches like how dinosaurs of different

I know, I already explained my mistake and apologized for it.

Yeah, Journey was indie. As for the other games you mentioned... Well, let's just say that I understand your position better under that light, as those are actually indie games that I don't like and/or that I'm not much interested in.

Sorry, I misunderstood you and read "I'm not saying that all indie games look like shit, or that pixel-art looks bad" as "I'm not saying that all indie games look like shit because of their pixel-art". Still, my point is that there are indies out there that matched the previous gen's graphic standards (at least in my

Just out of curiosity, what indie games did you play? Because your post sounds like a gross generalization. Not all indie games are simple or cater to nostalgia alone.

Uh... what? Not all indie games have pixellated graphics, you know. There are many out there that look just as gorgeous as many commercial releases. For example:

Opinions, opinions. Also no Seth MacFarlane -> no new Cosmos, so thank goodness you're wrong.

As someone who counts Ecco the Dolphin and Aquaria among his favorite games of all time... I need this. I also need a Playstation 4, though... I guess it's time to save.

Well, as for Frankenstein's monster, Wolfenstein 3D had that covered with the mutants.

Yes, for the game's 25th anniversary, but it failed. The authors haven't given up on it yet, though.

Indeed it was. Incidentally, the creator came up with the idea after a real life incident in which a hummingbird flew to his face while he was smoking and got a faceful of smoke by accident, and then returned days later seemingly angry, according to this interview. Even he, in hindsight, admits the idea was silly

No, you forgot Kolibri, the finest hummingbird-based shooter ever released.

Well said! It's a shame that so many people are unable to look past the in-jokes, cheesy and overused as they may be.

Hey, Alex Kidd in Miracle World was awesome! Too bad Sega went schizophrenic with the franchise's gameplay afterwards, by the time they were back on track it was already too late. Gangster Town and Out Run were cool as well. I can't truly speak for the others as I never played them, but they don't seem like my cup of

Oh yeah; can't argue with that :)

Well, as I haven't played Shantae I can't truly compare the two, but I think it's safe to say that Ecco's difficulty is probably on a different level, at least because of the game's unique idiosyncracy: here, the difficulty comes from the fact that the game doesn't readily tell you what to do or where to go, leaving

It certainly was ahead of its time in many ways, but maybe it also was a product of its time in others... I can't deny its reception was much better in the past than nowadays, after all. Maybe it really doesn't hold up, maybe I'm wearing nostalgia goggles -but I'd like to think they aren't so tight as to block the

It's actually quite difficult for me to explain, as it had me hooked without even needing to play it. Just the novelty of having a game with a dolphin as the main character made me rent it (I actually didn't own a Genesis at the time, we rented both the game and the console), and as soon as the intro started and I

I would add Ecco to that list, but that's just me.

I hope you like it, the Ecco series is my all-time favorite video game franchise and I always keep my fingers crossed for a revival. The thing that puts off most people about it is its high difficulty -and I've heard that this 3DS version comes with an optional "Super Dolphin Mode" which tones it down quite a bit if