Well said. Furthermore, it's also valid for when you love a game everyone else seems to hate, I've found myself in that situation plenty of times.

I remember... Indeed, as someone who has followed the franchise from the very first EGA sidescroller, it's sad for me to see how hated the character is today (though I do understand where people are coming from, the writing in DNF did make me raise my eyebrow a few times). I wonder if people would like Duke more

The game's Adventure Island, and the character is Master Higgins. The original game in the series was an adaptation of Sega's Wonder Boy.


They were that good, though of course that's just my opinion and it's your right to disagree. That said, I must concede your point about the money.

Agreed, though at least there will be plenty in the game proper.

No, many people share your sentiment (myself included) and they're also making it known in the Kickstarter's comments section, even mentioning that they'd drop their support if the game became an MMO. Here's hoping the developers recapacitate and drop the idea, or at least turn the MMO project into a possible

Not a lot of solid titles behind their belt? I beg to differ. The Ecco games on their own are worth a thousand games already IMO, but there are also hidden gems like Mr. Bones and Kolibri (I know, just personal opinions, but still).

A bit too over the top for me, I'll stick to GTA. (Note that I'm not saying that the game is bad, just that it's not my type).

Another example: Jill of the Jungle.

I disagree. I geatly enjoyed the first two PC games, and the comics are entertaining. But then again I admit I'm a fanboy who also (somewhat) liked the 2010 game and the films, so feel free to disregard my comment.

That would be Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, which isn't considered the highlight of the franchise anyway. The best are on the Master System: the original Alex Kidd in Miracle World, and Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (the rest are truly forgettable, though).

At least in Wailord's case, I think I have an explanation: just think of it as an inflatable swimming pool toy of gigantic proportions.

I wasn't defending Aquaman; I was defending the ocean itself. Unlike what SeptimusSeven implies, it's a place full of interesting stuff.

Everything interesting avoids the ocean? Yeah, because it's not the home of hundreds of creatures with more teeth than a Xenomorph and more tentacles than hentai, dark abysses we know next to nothing about, unique biomes, and some of the most intelligent animals on Earth.

As others have told you before: personal tastes. I feel the same way you do about many other successful franchises.

I totally agree, that game is not only my favorite JP game, but one of my top ten games for the Genesis as well. Other nice little details that stand out to me are the human enemies' ability to grab ammo and vehicles for themselves and how different types of enemy may choose to fight each other instead of the player.

Not all of them, mine has never done it. And while we're on the subject of pet stereotypes, neither has it rolled over corpses. It does lick its own butt, but then again I never let dogs lick me.

You think you had it rough? At least you got another 16-bit system; I wanted a Sega Genesis but got a Sega Master System instead :P It wasn't for Christmas, though. And funnily enough, the SMS ended up becoming my favorite console, even after I did get myself a Genesis much later.