Black, Red, White, and 50 shades of grey...
Black, Red, White, and 50 shades of grey...
So you’re saying he was basically feral? haha.
I haven’t even read the article yet, but I saw “Bill Caswell” and “BMW” in the title and got the fizz.
Most frustrating involving bodily harm? Probably replacing the diverter valve in my 2004 1.8t A4. Those godforsaken Oetinger clamps can go to hell and die. So many cuts on my fingers and hands!
You make a good point. And to be fair the EPA’s focus on MPG is sort of misguided. it should be on emission content, not fuel mileage. Or maybe something like emissions per cylinder/Liter. Miles per gallon is such a flawed metric, its almost worthless.
I did. But I ninja’d my correction.
“But perhaps never before have automakers been put under as severe strain to innovate products that Americans don’t actually want as today”
Its the other way around man. We (the seahawks) get fucked on the regular by terrible calls. This was a rare instance where we were on the recieving end...
Since Audi calls their 8HP55 the AL551, you couls hazard a guess that it stands for Audi Longitudinal 55 Version 1. If you google AL552, you get hits for the 2016 Q7. And on the ZF 8HP Wikipedia page, it makes note of a revised version of the 8HP coming out in the 2014-2015 timeframe. Since Audi tends to refresh every…
Oh really? Damn, well I just learned something. Thanks!
Try licking a standard 9V Alkaline battery feel that little buzz? Ok, now imagine that with 33% (or more) extra voltage (for extra buzz!) and a few hundred times the discharge capacity. That will absolutely give you a massive wallop of amperage, depending on where you hold the spanner. Voltage plays a part, but the…
Yea I also realised that I was the 30 millionth person to point that out too...
batteries in the future? nah, we’re going to be harvesting free energy from wind turbines strapped to the cars roofs and power conditioners plugged into our 48V cigarette lighter sockets. And of course thorium reactors and flying cars.
*scalded. FTFY
Except one can never escape the stigma of being a glorified rental feet special...
To further clarify. In part I go on the LW drive to see friends. I don’t got to the meetup, my group of friends comes out from as far away as Salem Oregon the night before and just hang out, shoot the shit and drink some beers. I’m not interested in hanging out with a bunch of immature kids who blow obscene money for…
Well seeing as they’re all there for the same event, it would seem the camberstacebros go hand in hand with the show.