8Ringer (irrational hater of Subaru)

H2Oi is all that is wrong with “stance” culture. I fucking loathe that show and 99% of what it stands for. Though its mildly amusing seeing all the moron stancebros flip out over the police being dicks right back at them.

Because Hyperbole is fun, duh.


Don’t modern engines disable the injectors in overrun though? So you’re using NO fuel down the hill?

Whoa did a snarky sortof-argument on the internet result in a useful piece of consumer advice?! Wow!

So the transmission would be upside down, and the oil pickups would be on the wrong side. That would be no bueno. Unless they’re looking to make the first air cooled and air lubricated transmission.

They do for my Audi, not sure about a Focus, but I would assume so??

But why do you need two layers of mat? Just get an aftermarket mat that hooks into the factory securing clips.

Wait....So you cover a mat with another mat so the mat that you no longer see doesn’t get dirty? Do you by chance own a car with a black vinyl bra??

I guess. I agree that cellphones are dangerous distractions but I disagree that banning the mere thought of using one in any capacity at all while you’re sitting in a drivers seat is the solution. I don’t have a better solution, I just feel prohibition is a step too far...

You’re right, abstinence is the best form of birth control. Wait, what are we talking about?

Oh do you? News to me....

I’m not arguing the LETTER of the law. I’m arguing the INTENTION of the law. And since you repeatedly are missing the point I see no reason to prolong this shouting-past-each-other type of argument. I bet driving with you is a hoot!

its definitely NOT the guy who stopped’s fault, mostly the guy who DIDN’T stop’s fault, and partially the pedestrian who was paying zero attention to traffic’s fault.

Lucky bastard! Was yours a B8 (2009>)? Mine is a b7 and theres never been any acknowledged oil consumption issue (despite it being a fairly common topic on forums for whatever that is worth). Even if there was some sort of TSB like there was for the b8s I’m way out of warranty and at this point don’t have

You mean excess and waste has given way to efficiency? I call that progress...

Good luck dealing with a manufacturer to honor oil consumption issues under warranty though. Its a crap shoot at best, an total bitch at worst.

I totally agree, but take a common example. I’m at a traffic light, and have plenty of time to sit there and stare at random shit happening around me. Can I not grab my phone and change the song? or switch pandora stations? How is that any different than reaching over to the radio and changing the CD? or starting a

SO its illegal to use your phone while sitting, stopped, in traffic or at a light? Thats weak...

I foresee the the next article from Tavarish: How I ended up in jail in Virginia.