
Aquanet is still 100% a thing. I wouldn’t trust anything else in my hair during shows.

The MyTwin dolls (which are customised even more extensively than the American Girl dolls) were always much more expensive than the American Girl shit, too.

Cher’s tweet was like poetry. Beautiful. I want it framed on my wall.

That’s what I totally assumed it was too.

I worked in the cafe so there was no opportunity for BR cards signups and we STILL got talked to. But that place was accepting as fuck and I loved it.

I think (and a few of my friends have validated this) that there’s a specific type out there who wants someone dependable to come home to, so they’re trying to find that wife who will patiently tend the fires at home or whatever. And those guys tend to be drawn to me, but I’m not interested. But I agree with you,

I do too! But not on the daily, I just am a theatre dork and we know all the tricks. (not all the tricks. I don’t know how to do a basic lip. It’s balls in, guns blazing or just chapstick.)

Literally every guy I’ve encountered wants to go zero to serious commitment in thirty seconds, which is great if that works for you, but if I just got your number in a bar last week and would be totally up for something casual and you’re already buying me flowers and trying to “make this official”, (THIS IS NOT AN

I think this is joking? Though poorly done? But even still my maxi dress makes me feel like Elsa from Frozen with a sexy leg slit and makes my boobs look amazeballs.

Oh man. The dine and dash. Once I got my hair done at a different stylist and at the end of it I realised I’d left my card in another purse. I asked a friend to bring it to the place, but she didn’t realise the urgency of the situation (aka, everyone here thinks I’m dashing, they have asked me to sit in the office,

Ha! Nah, it’s not like I have a problem with military getting discounts! I just don’t like being yelled at for things completely out of my control, like any retail drone.

I have no problem with stores giving discounts to service members and their dependents. One of my jobs does (20%!) and I do it with a smile. I don’t have a problem with people asking if places offer the discounts (one of my friends who is a military offspring thinks it’s “presumptuous” of her to ask and I told her

I don’t, as seen by my comment. All the service members (and spouses) (and children of) I know are great. This doesn’t mean I’ve never met an asshole service member, though. There’s a huge military population in my town because I live near the DLI. I have a strict “no banging military dudes” policy because of all the

I am blessed to know many service members who are wonderful, but every time someone comes in and yells at me because my store doesn’t offer a military discount (“MY HUSBAND PUTS HIS LIFE ON THE LINE FOR YOUR COUNTRY AND YOU CAN’T GIVE ME 10% OFF MY DRESS?”) I understand, with deep, deep clarity, why they are hated

I cannot speak to gum drops but I and my friends made between $60-$150 a party (So would that be 600-1500 gum drops?) depending on length and what we were doing (magic show, princess dance party, face painting, and if you booked us for a half hour and wanted to extend to 45 minutes that’s more than if you initially

I used to do this— well, I worked for a company that had me do princess and fairy parties. It was a lot of fun but since her territory was Gilroy through San Francisco AND she didn’t comp mileage, the driving made it not worth it. But the best is catching the eye of the driver beside you as you are fully decked out in

That’s why I really appreciate when the ingredients are listed on the menu, like “Fresh Salad with spinach, walnuts, raspberries” (etc). It makes it super fast for me to go through and eliminate things based on “oh, nope, can’t have that!”, and while I might ask a few questions anyway out of paranoia, I have a pretty

I don’t want to respond to the troll, but since I’m allergic to tomato and dairy, I do avoid places that are saturated with that ingredient (I don’t eat Italian or Mexican unless I make it at home, for example) and only go places I know there will be options for me (Asian food is great, not a lot of either). But that

Obviously those 200 people had no friends.

This is my #1 pet peeve. I know most people are just kind of curious, but I’m kind of a private person and I hate saying, “Oh, uh, diarrhea?” Also, these conversations tend to happen over meals, doubling the inappropriateness. If I’m allergic, I’m allergic. Leave me alone.