
I misread this and expected to hear someone yell “baby hands” during the press conference. I was disappointed.

Frankly, I’m fucking loving the Wikileaks dumps. Emails from one of Clinton’s closest surrogates and all they’ve got is some light bickering and completely predictable political gamesmanship.

Lol, I give enough of a shit to click on the article



side note, but who else totally forget that paul rudd was paris?!

Look, just because Baz Luhrman can make you want to fuck him DOESN’T MEAN ANYTHING, THAT’S JUST THE CONTACT HIGH

This is 100% true. He has not only never, ever been hot, he has never once in his life looked like a functioning person of his own age. I am *roughly* the same age as he is (within 3 or 4 years, I think), and all through his “heartthrob” years, I thought women my age who found him hot were disgusting, because he

Yes. That is it exactly. He looks like the saltiest, sea-dogged three year old.

On the other hand, Kate Winslet was always hot, both then and now.

I’ll take the Listeria over having to hear the term “butt-hurt” one more god damn time.

I had such a lady crush.

I prefer the story about how James Cameron almost let Ed Harris drown when filming The Abyss, so Ed Harris punched him in the face.

Not even 50 million could get me to marry Cameron.

Kitchenette dying was the saddest thing. And I say that as a white middle-aged motorcycle enthusiast who cooks like twice a year.

Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood enthusiastically endorsed him as a VP choice. Maybe your “facts” are not what they seem.

Competent is what we need in government. “Interesting” has gotten us Trump.

A mayonnaise sandwich on white bread is more interesting than this guy.

However, she is not Trump, who wants to create a police state to continue to profile and brutalize my people, and he is not Pence, who wants to control every aspect of my uterus and keep teh gays in the closet.

So, I’ll hand them my vote in November

Given that Tom Perez is under investigation, and my personal choice, Julian Castro, was recently accused of violating the Hatch Act, who did that leave her with? Elizabeth Warren? We need her in the Senate, and even if we didn’t, her replacement would be chosen by a Republican. Ditto Corey Booker.

It’s viscerally embarrassing to read. I suddenly feel ashamed of all the obviously, transparently performative emails I’ve written to smart boys in a desperate bid to get laid.