
Star for a fellow Veloster owner!

Carl gets all the best lines. In the Willie Nelson episode his read of “who’s this, your freakin’ mother?” makes me die every time.

i second the mayo attempt, especially olive oil mayo. olive oil chocolate cake is great btw.

On tread pattern alone they are Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2s, which is what many supercars and high end track-oriented sports cars come with from the factory. I don’t know what the actual rating for them is, but there’s no way to test the actual limits of a tire designed to go this fast without being able to go this

Assuming those were fresh, new tires at the start of his run, look at how worn out they are now.

Mr. Stay Puft eats your ass

they’re doing a pretty good job lately all by themselves...

Easily COTD. Take your damn star, and Theo Bunny will carjack a very fast Acura for your troubles.

I don’t say this often, nor do I take the topic very lightly.  But you sir (or madam) have earned COTD.  Just beautiful.

I wouldn’t do so here! This is one recipe where I don’t recommend browning anything--the garlic and anchovies provide plenty of flavor and you don’t want it to get muddied.


You sir, are a master debater. I concede the point.

Maybe my bundt is too small but I swear only 3/4 of the corn makes it into the bundt

I knew you would be looking for it :)

The Little Motor That Could.

Do you consider the ads “content blocks”? Can you rearrange them the hell off the page?

That? Is efficiency. until you have to wash it, anyway.