Mr Smith

“It’s what my character would do,” is rarely an excuse even in actual tabletop roleplay. In this medium? Nowhere near close.

The outside of the station can look like anything. It’s the inside that counts. Yeah, and maybe they kept the Cardassian computer interfaces because after so long, that’s just what everyone who works there is used to. Also, my wife points out the spiritual angle, being the last post of the Emissary and all. Bajorans

Not in the future!

“And then we’re gonna go on even MORE adventures after that, Morty. And you’re gonna keep your MOUTH SHUT about it, Morty...

Saves power and reduces the chance of failure.

Blood Angels are on this list three times. Just sayin’.

Going for an explore, getting in trouble, summoning a demon to take the heat while you bail in cinematic fashion. #warlocklife

Set Discovery after the TNG movies, and all the Klingon changes would have been just fine. Instead, I must declare it as an alternate dimension in my headcanon.

All the best, man.


Is a megabyte 1,000,000 bytes or some other number? Depends on if you’re asking or selling.

Heck, I’d go for an XCOM RPG.

The display stand really makes it pop, for me. If I could get one like that I’d eBay it in a heartbeat.

Pinching this notion for a Star Trek game.

They remind me of riding boots.

Eclipse Phase.

I get that reference.

How many “young people” are convinced that their daft ideas are unique and original and have never been done before? Leaving Sutherland’s cameo in there would have been both a nice nod to the first film, and a dash of a learning experience. Sometimes your radical stunts aren’t brand new ideas. Sometimes someone else

Brian is a bad friend.