
you win

good call. From the front that looks like a man, baby

dont change a thing Volvo overlords

thanks for the H/T, my worst lament was that 2002 Turbo in the bunch.

seriously. 1.9 would drop right in there

haha here was my 5000 turbo I had in college!

haha I try. I have been eyeballing this one for a while

does he look like this?

so take this, put it together with the article this am about the Mario Kart, add some props (bananas and lightinig and ghosts and stuff), and we are really starting to have some fun

you are no. 2 on [fuelshark] search too. Good job guys. If only you were around in the days of Rusty Jones we might have a few more Loyales on the roads

In Maine they boot you over 100 dollars. Just another reason to not let your other half take your car shopping downtown. Ask me how I know

Oh I know it happens alot. I saw a new focus advertised a few weeks ago for $8999 and hell, I called on it! Gone!

legally, the car needs to be on the lot with a stock number, and if it is requested and on the lot, sold for the advertisement price.

A year in which they took a loss of 5 billion Euros. 2011 they were sitting at 500+ million euro in the black. The only '12 numbers I could find on Mazda were first fiscal half making 71 million dollars. Just an odd thing and I am no sort of financial analyst.

I agree that they aren't a total dead end, but Peugeot has had good to great lineups in the past with no sales performance. We'll see though

All of my Peugeots shed a tear today. Or some coolant, one of those

exactly. I work for 3 of the top 5 dealers in the country for a certain marque, they all do this. It isnt rocket science, it is just adapting with the times

They know their margins and will give you the best deal they can upfront

my google fu is lacking in this one instance, but I read a report once upon a time about how planes were slightly safer due to the tar that would accumulate in micro fissures in the hull. Now I really want to find it.