Captain Tangent is totally rad()

Can’t tell if sarcasm LOL

It’s the Grand Prix track of Saudi Arabia because it’s located in Saudi Arabia, a barbaric kingdom 1) executing people at the drop of blade in huge batches—81 prisoners on March 12. 2) A nation ran by an elitist “royal” family where it truly pays to be royalty vs. the scum existence of guest workers. 3) The shithole

Directional wheels, they sometimes look ok on one side where the direction makes sense with the motion of the wheel... but they always look awkward to down right stupid on the other side where the direction of the wheel and the direction of the design are going against each other.

with a brilliant faint

Now playing

Looks like you forgot to ding dang your dang a long ling long.

Me missing the off ramp in American Truck Sim.
We getting there no matter what

Pedants of the world will be able to sigh in relief if this passes. Whether they eliminate DST or make it permanent, it will just be The Time. We shall no longer have to choose between biting our tongues or alienating half of our Facebook friends with our pedantry twice each year.

Daylight Saving Time.  There is no S.  

As an avid adorer of alliteration, awesome application.  

“...as Batman tore baddies up from ass to appetite.

As a closeted collector of cool colloquialisms, kudos, Colbert.

Get a woman from F2 to get in the seat. That would be the best middle finger to Mazepin.

For the millionth time, its just “Ukraine”. Do like Zuck and drop the “The”. 

Not buku.....beaucoup. It’s French for many/lots.

Fun bit of trivia: -40 C = -40 F

I think most of them work in customer service but a few are accountants.

I’m so sorry you are disappointed with our race, Karen. Would you like to speak with a manager?

I’m so white, I’m #gggggg.

Remember all this the next time you read that requiring ID isn’t a barrier to voting.

Certainly it’s a nice illustration of the hypocrisy and self-righteousness on both sides.

I’m not? Thousands of patients in northeast Illinois that I treated from 1991 - 2018 are going to be shocked to hear that. Not to mention the state licensing board, the DEA, the ABIM, ASCO, ASH, several hospital systems, CMS, IDPA, and more insurance companies than I can count.