Captain Tangent is totally rad()

I do a lot of network engineering, so let me try to explain it in layman’s terms.... Guilty Gear Strive (GGS) makes a new TCP/IP connection for every connection to its home servers, and it does that hundreds of times just on the loading screen. This is directly equivalent to you calling someone to talk to them, but

I’ll give you one guess as to who finished last in both.”

Have you ever had to walk from the terminal to the far edge of extended parking in Pittsburgh? Some of those people just haven’t made it back to their car yet.

“It makes sense that, as the years go by and technology improves, Formula One cars would get exponentially faster”

You guys are butchering mathematical concepts.

I’ve been fighting this same battle with the editors I work with too. If I decide to start leaving commas and semicolons out of the code I write it fails because punctuation has meaning.

“A Stick But No Colors”

Chez, I sincerely hope the call you.  It would be really interesting to everyone to see how zero g impacts your mobility.  Best of luck. 

The most iconic scene in Lana and Lilly Wachowski’s first Matrix movie is, without question, the lobby battle

Though it’s fantasy rather than science fiction, I’ve always noticed and appreciate how Fullmetal Alchemist is just a mundanely anti-abelist (pro-limb diversity? I’ve never found what the word for non-abelism is but I’ve looked for the term because of FMA) society. Folks with automail are just folks, some with

The purpose of subsidy is to incentivize certain behaviors. They are inherently political.

Unions, or the equivalent power on the side of the workers vs those that have power to crush workers, should be supported. 

People get rid of their M5s for all sorts of dumb reasons... 

Because many people still think cars are a boy’s world, and any girl driving something other than the beigest of appliances MUST be driving her father’s/husband’s/boyfriend’s car. If at a car show, you can also add “she must be a model hired to pose with the car” to the mix. It’s a question that, intentionally or not,

Anytime F1 travels to a circuit that isn’t a Hermann Tilke-esque sequence of four-mile straights and single digit-angle corners, naysayers fear the race will be devolve into a monotonous procession.

They look like bassoon reeds

Jesus Christ man, point taken, but can you dial back the misogyny a bit?

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