415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Yeah, I found 2049 really refreshing, didn’t feel rushed. 

I have always hated crowded theaters, it takes something special to get me in there anyway, and then it’s usually something like Fury Road in IMAX to get me there on a weekday matinee. I think that was the last movie I saw in the theater. 

Well read into the parting gift as you will! 

Oh let me tell you, many years ago on Jalopnik we would post something in Oppo (RIP) and then a large article on the same obscure subject would appear on the front page! They owed a lot to us and they just cast us off. 

And Mercedes just gave B077as a new car (not a Project One since he’s a #2 driver I guess). if that’s not a goodbye gift I don’t know what is! Yeah Kimi seems to be the key and they all move. 

Those names suck, they have nothing on the Zappas. 

Ironman is nuts, I’m from Hawaii and my nurse aunt said people shit themselves and drop dead. I remember a guy did drop dead once, he was a real estate agent that someone in my family knew. 

Gymnastics has to be up there, you just can’t do it unless you live it growing up. Water Polo is damn hard, I’m a life long surfer and I tried that in a pool once, damn hard. Marathons are really genetic specific, as are some others I’m sure. 

I worked a couple late nights on this movie in SF. I’m not working these days, go get people vaccinated so we can make more stuff! 

Well I work on shows and not many of us are back to work, I am installing internet until it comes back. All the idiots who won’t get vaccinated can go fuck themselves.

I don’t know much about Marvel or whatever, I thought she was a storm trooper with her helmet removed. 

Well 20,000 Leagues is my favorite movie. I grew up in the water and I just loved it when I was a kid. I have been hoping for a well done remake for years, but if they don’t we have the Douglas movie. A remake would be great if it followed the book a bit better, might as well do that since we have the other film. It’s

Neither of those were very good, IMDB has this rated at 5 stars or so. Usually IMDB is a good guide, when something is 7 on there it can go either way for me but 5 is low. 

Well part of it was what he said, but they are so thick and stupid they won’t change their minds.

My dad disabled that stuff in his F250. 

I grew up with that film and I just love it. I had no idea anyone thought it wasn’t good until the internet came along. 

I’ve thought about these, but I have heard the PWC jet motors are pretty maintenance heavy per hour and don’t last nearly as long as a good outboard. 

Comes with a trailer too! I think people better cover it when not in use. I have a Hobie Tandem Island and I see some that people leave out in the sun, pretty dumb. I would like it as a dive boat, but I have always been told the jet motors don’t have a very long life and need more maintenance. I know you can buy

Fuck them all, they deserve what they get.