415s30 (ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

No, I have a 71' and it is very bare bones. Left and right circular ones in the dash, a roller style in the middle and a footwell. They do have those footwell vents like pickups had, you can see the knob under the dash vent. The S30 debuted in 1969.

The kits will be coming, some might satisfy the complaints.

Well there will be ten body kits for it soon. I saw a drawing of a BRE race kit. 

So.... Trump supporters, yeah that sums it up. Impressively stupid people who are somehow allowed to vote. 

I think they are just a bunch of fat fucks who have trouble breathing to begin with, Drumpf rally goers.

I am about done with humanity, are these troglodytes going to bring us all down for years? We had a pretty amazing turn around on vaccines and we could have been 100% vaccinated now. I will never forgive those idiots, I am a stagehand and I am working a stupid job at half my normal wage and it just keeps going on.

It takes a lot to get me into a theater anyway, I think the last one I saw was Fury Road in IMAX. I might have seen this in the theater in the before times. I wish I had seen 2049, that was dumb of me to miss. If the idiots of Earth don’t ruin society for us all I hope to somehow see 2049 in a theater.

Well I guess BMO is the same in both if I remember correctly. 

The grille and space below is now like a 240Z, there is actually a big space below the grille and bumper that is just open like that. I noticed it was different than my expectations when we restored my car. You just can’t really see it on an S30 because it’s so low and the bumper blocks the angle. This new car is not

I bet they have to make them some kind of ridiculous colors for toy gun laws, so the safety paint job on the loader met the criteria. Pretty good idea since they had no other choice. 

Pretty good base to start making a better one. 

Can I mount a stop sign on the side of my car and fake out Teslas? Hmmm I hate those fucking cars, it’s like all the early Prius owners got Teslas. 

Well have you seen Telsa owners? 

I can’t wait to see these in the driveways of the tech people who moved to the area and bought up all the houses in SF. Or maybe they are all moving to MT to work remotely. It’s hard to keep up. 

Essentially Werlin was the My Pillow guy in relation to Trump the fascist.  I feel like Monterey will just keep giving awards to European cars from those years and eventually will give them all the award. It’s funny when you think that cars have not really been around for that long and the more human built cars of the

I assume they are in a teachers union? I’m a stagehand, we don’t go to work if there is a major dispute and for sure wouldn’t over a safety concern. 

I hope these people, including Trump would be prosecuted for this shit. The deaths of thousands directly lead back to them politicizing a pandemic. I struggle to understand the stupidity. 

I haven’t been to Japan in a couple years but I bet there was one sitting in the Megaweb. They had concepts that looked like the current hydrogen cars in there years ago. 

I’ve never seen BMW do anything like that.