
How dare you ask for games that challenge conventions!

They’re just like real big sisters!

I saw it! The spoiler review is the one between him and a friend and I basically agreed with every point he made. (the only issue is that his review could’ve been even more detailed with how bad the film was!)

I was pretty amazed it got the reviews it did. Even AA Dowd’s review was way more generous than it should’ve been. The whole thing was horrendous beginning to end on practically every front and it was so breathtakingly obvious. I pretty much swore off critics and imdb when I saw the overflowing positive reviews.

Schneedy is less in search of love/dependency and more in search of “guy who loves to give her shit and worship her like a queen even though she’s completely undeserving.”

He’s such a giddy piece of shit you can’t help but enjoy him.



I watched the shit out of Batman: TAS when I was a kid, but I sadly don’t know what you’re referencing. Could you say?

I sorta like the first Gears, particularly because of some of the creepy missions. After the first game though I would say the series goes downhill.

What film is it from?

And that accusation is arguably the least believable one of the bunch...

Diablo 3 was pretty bad at launch. The inability of people to log in coupled with the base game being lackluster led to a lot of complaining. Iirc, people noticed how loot drops were pretty unfair - you rarely got legendary loot and rarely got loot that was for you specific character. I bought most of what my mage

It’s literally the only thing. The main storyline is spare and poorly done, the side quests are atrocious, and the openish world design of Inquisition is hollow when closely inspected.

Trust me. Inquisition was almost entirely made up of menial side quests.

Trust me. Inquisition was almost entirely made up of menial side quests.

Getting blankets for refugees, grabbing some flower to set on a grave, stopping the Venatori in main areas like the Hissing Wastes don’t sound menial, but in implementation they are.

I don’t disagree, though I think the scene was meant to play as comedic (those two characters iirc were usually played for slight comedy), and it just doesn’t work in the moment. It’s not really idiocy, just inconsistency which is arguably worse.

I am really impressed with you responding to a comment I made ages ago thinking you’re really getting in some genius dig.

The obsession with with the supposed character idiocy in Prometheus is actually a dislike of character inconsistency. Since most of the cast acts inconsistent with what their characters should (based off what the film sets up) be doing, people attribute that to “idiocy.”