
Looks like you dot-slashed them. The site is barely responding.

Because it’s not really about science or facts. It’s about emotions.

Anytime! Btw if you type in about:about Firefox gives you a neat little list of all the abouts.

Another tip: In Firefox, type about:performance in the adress bar to see which websites are impacting the performance of the browser. Type in about:memory to see how much memory the processes and addons are using.

Because this flick plays with the timeline, I made a Kelvin-timeline joke. From imdb:

Whoa, simmer down Deep State. How is this different than a butt dial or your small kid mashing numbers on your land line? Just because the controls are voice activated rather than tactile doesn’t make it a privacy thing any more than the above examples are.

So here’s my tiny pleasure: Every morning I pour myself a cup of hot cocoa powder, add in a splash of milk (or any other similar liquid, dairy or non), and I don’t stir it. I get to watch the beautiful clumpy, grainy pattern swim through my cocoa, and don’t need to worry about how many days in a row I’ve used that

We did a show in Newfoundland together, and he was a hoot!!!!

Of course it is, I love the movie. But that is the only movie viewing they seem to have found important enough to announce. Trump’s movie viewing consists of watching a family friendly kid’s movie, not a complex plot or socially aware film. Heaven forbid the Racist-in-Chief watch something like Selma or maybe even

Store some drinks in there and you have a sound bar.

This thanksgiving, I am thankful for the people who keep our comments section so interesting.

San Diego needs to provide restrooms (and general relief) for their homeless populations, not plastic bags. And pet owners have lots of plastic bags they can buy to pick up dog poop. They are a couple of bucks at any number of retailers.

Screw Batman, I just want the movie about fancy hat Selina.

How do we know for sure these aren’t just refurbed Galaxy Note 7s???

How do we know for sure these aren’t just refurbed Galaxy Note 7s???

From what I gather from David’s last writeup on this, the gasses expanding from the small “spark explosion” is actually part of the compression that ignites the “compression explosion”.

Cool your jets. There’s no android app yet. Turns out it takes actual time and money to develop apps, so sometimes the app for one OS gets done before the other.


Actually, if you look all over the internet right now, millennials are complaining like mad about the seemingly HUGE cost of a $1000 smartphone. Meanwhile, the top end iPhone X is not really for them!!! If you are a kid with college debt and a low starting salary, go buy a used phone, a Chinese android, or heck, one

I’m not sure if it’s your sentence construction, but are you suggesting that software doesn’t matter much to the average user? I’d say that’s the main reason people choose one brand over another.