
Most people I’ve seen who buy their new phone yearly sell their old phone. If you do it at the right time you get most of your money back. And it doesn’t hurt that Apple products tend not to depreciate as quickly as other brands. Either way most people won’t see it as $800 for a new phone, but rather 200-300$ to

What you are talking about as standard resolutions is TV resolution. Most of which is not applicable to a phone. What matters to consumers is perceived sharpness at a given distance.

I have to post my solution. I live with a person who absolutely hates doing the dishes or any extra work that involves dishes like putting them away from the dishwasher. But she will take something out of the dishwasher like a fork if there are none available in the utensil caddy. And those can be very hard to

I’m the same way. This post helped me out a lot. Just cook at a lower temp and for a bit longer of time. It’ll take a few minutes instead of a few seconds, but you’ll get a perfectly cooked egg white, runny yellow and no extra crispy edges. Tip: definitely make sure you heat up the pan/oil/fat to the appropriate temp

JLU - For the man who has everything... How can an episode with no real people punch me in the feels so damn hard.

... And have it work right out of the box as the game developers intended, just by plugging it into the wall.

Now playing

This is what you’re looking for

This is what you’re looking for

I went with a very similar route, except that I started off with the 1st gen SmartThings hub. I was enthralled with SmartThings promise that it worked with the most variety of home control devices, something I desperately wanted as I never want to feel backed into a corner buying from only one company.

Confirmation bias is a real thing. Also it’s a son of a bitch.

Private browsing modes only prevent your local computer from recording any data it receives. Your browser will always make a request for web data from your configured network (which is usually routed to your ISP) which will record that request seperately from whatever your web browser is doing.

I approve of this usage of Poe =)

I know right? Almost like he’s burning it down... ;P

F this movie. It’s the only movie I have had to leave the theater to check my sanity. I don’t know what it is about the movie, but it scares the ever living bejesus out of me. So for horror factor this movie get’s 10/10 =P

Absolutely. I have the same feeling too that there will be many options, so that would definitely be a viable choice. Mine was a just a tip I picked up many years ago when lightning to audio jack wasn’t an option and does verifiably work just if someone was wondering.

Gonna share this tip I’ve been using for years since I’ve had an iPhone with lightning, plus a car with aux in.

I literally got these last weekend. Clarity and imaging is off the charts especially after a bit of burn in. Definitely one of the best speakers in the price range and blow most of the traditional computer speakers out of the water regardless of price.

I literally got these last weekend. Clarity and imaging is off the charts especially after a bit of burn in.

This. I’m pretty sure it was never impacted, as I’ve seen no difference in the look of the website, and I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen a sponsered ad. (Friends who post ad like posts don’t count, but still suck)

Can I just say at any time anybody who wants to re-cast Matt Ryan as Constantine in anything has my permission now and forever. I needs more Matt Ryan Constantine.

For number 2, I’ll present one word... Overburn

These need tweeking.