
While not as easy as on Android, for iOS the app Launch Center Pro can send a text when you enter a location. You still need to swipe the notification to have launch center open a messaging window and you still have to hit send. But the entire message will be there, and is activated on location so it’s convenient

I know this is definitely not an answer, but the xbox’s kinect is still active during streaming, so if you can yell into the other room where you’re xbox is you can still yell, “xbox, record that” and it’ll still work. Not super useful, but there it is.

For me on Destiny, It usually take 10-20 minutes active streaming before input lag becomes “good enough.” And by good enough I mean good enough for the lower end activities, like patrol, dailies, and even lvl 28 poe. But Crucible and weekly/nightfall strikes are probably out of picture since they can be twitch heavy

Depends. If the surface is normally in the shade, then due to black-body radiation, the water would transmit it’s heat to the balls and radiate outwords make the the water cooler, and evaporate less. Any evaporation could also condense on the ball, leaving the water in and not out. Also if the sun in on the balls and

Why does everybody always think all of CA is in the desert? Just yesterday I got asked if Sacramento was in the desert. I was like, really?

I’m not for all the hateraide this morning. Sure the solution isn’t practical. Didn’t really come here for that. Came here for her obvious love of math. Made me smile.

A year ago I bought an AT-LP60 on budget recommendations and I didn’t know if I wanted to really “get into” the whole scene. It has been flawless for me however so now I’m looking for the next step because it just flipped my switch. And now you definitely have me looking into those options you listed. Thanks =)

This is 100% correct. Dogs can eat and probably should get a good mix. My dog for example can’t get enough of carrots, which is an awesome little snack for him. But I’ll also never deprive him of meat since he and every other dog is really “designed” for eating it.

All currect Kingdom Heart games are PS

You’re right. Probably more useful for the parent just in case the young one accidently spills your cup instead of drinking from their own. Don’t give them this cup. Just use it so that it won’t break when they get into trouble.

It has to be the the fact we’re used to it. I’ve seen that logo for decades now ever since I moved on from a microsoft mouse to a better one. There really isn’t anything wrong with the new logo/name and it is very future oriented. And I won’t be moving on as a customer because their products haven’t changed, just the

I still have love for this beast.


According to the title of the article... $150 =P

But having a security checkpoint is pointless. The idiot with a bomb would just need to plant one on the track and wait. Still downing the system, and didn’t have to wait in some stupid line.

What is everybody talking about? There is no reason for security at the hub for buses, trains, and this hyperloop. It’s on the ground. All a likely terrorist would have to do is walk up to a link some where and put a bomb there, then walk away. It’s not like airplanes where you have to board in order to get to your

It’s a pre-release name. Just like Android L before it, it will get a proper candy name when it gets closer to an actual release.

That’s just a watch face. But it is really cool and available (in grayscale) for the original pebble.

I don’t know man. I think that the only other step would be to involve VMC’s HR department, but in order to not piss off MS would probably mean firing all implicated. So what’s the bigger problem. Having to buy another $300 piece of equipment or being fired and having to find a new job. Honestly I think they got off