
Actually technically no. They could if they wanted to, just buy another xbox one and create a new seperate xbox live account. If they really wanted to.

Um. My dog does the same thing... My girlfriend does the same thing... W.T.F.

Not quite. As mentioned here

Elon Musk is the chairman of SolarCity... so yes.

I absolutely agree. And to another point, in his presentation Elon Musk never mentioned it was new or that they invented in it. But he did try impress on everyone that it was important to the environmental health that people move away from fossil fuel power generation, and that this was just a way to help do that by

Uh yes. I have one of these and it makes perfect hard boiled eggs every time. Definitely got it cheaper than that price, and I use it everyday. It’s just awesome.

Which is funny, cause I thought they were both real at first because I thought it was just the gif compression doing funny things to the image.

Lithium cells are different from the rechargeable lithium ion variety that is being described. Lithium somewhere in the range of 1.8-1.9V, while lithium ion is 3.7V

What STIKleinWagon said, as well as you can change the voice in waze settings. I have mine set to English (UK) - Carole and it's definitely less robotic.

I'll agree to most of what's being said in this thread. Ang Lee's Hulk wasn't a bad film, and as someone who didn't know anything about the Hulk before hand it was pretty darn watchable. However I do think in hindsight that Ang decided to focus on the characters core by disregarding most things in the source material

I think it can be done in the microwave, but still working on it.

That's the real trick and probably deserves a mention in the article.

Nice internet delivery! Somehow you made a post that is a a parody of itself. Without video we cannot if you are serious but since everything in that video was a joke, it seems yes, the world knows that out of country visitors shouldn't visit that state. I <3 this post.

Bah why switch. I usually have Firefox AND Chrome open at the same time. Of course my home machine has 24 GB of ram, but only because it was dirt cheap a few years ago.

I don't know about the August but my Schlage Z-wave deadbolt gives me 2 month warning before giving up the ghost (tested). If I don't change my batteries within 2 months(seriously 2 months), well shit that's my fault and I deserve to have to get in my house another way.

Gonna have to disagree with you there. There are currently hackers for normal door locks. Anyone with a decent set of lock pick tools can do it. But it doesn't really matter, any one who really really really wants into your house is gonna get in, whether by lock picking or moving 2 ft to left/right and throwing a rock

I'll go you one further. Like you I started with simple programs in Pascal. Then moved to Object Pascal, then C/C++, and now mostly in Objective-c, Java, and C#. I'd say that all of these options are too limiting, Like you and me we should be learning from different languages as we move along. Doesn't have to be

Technically it's both. There is Newton's universal law of gravitation, and there is the general theory of gravity. The former describes the fact that things with mass are attracted to each other and the latter describes WHY they are attracted to each other. One is universal law, the other is just a qualified guess so

You're absolutely right. All the information is right there, for both parental idiots and celebrity idiots. But those idiots children could carry disease and then spread to more children killing many, and so regardless of the fact they won't listen we must keep trying to shove knowledge down their throat. For once we

If you look out the back there were blue sparks. ;)