
Do you really think that word you keep mentioning is spelled "cort ozone"?

Oh God he's coming to the Jets.

Haha. Jim Zorn would like a word.

I honestly think Daniel Snyder and the entire organization are like a bunch of 8th grade girls who over share on Facebook.

Man. If this whole RGIII era doesn't work out, Snyder is definitely gonna' be a little red in the face.


Don't feel bad. With Simpson vs. California, the defense let the running back get away with murder.

Howard put an embedded photo of a blood clot in a scrotum in our work chatroom this week.

Barry spent a good chunk of yesterday tormenting us with seal rape GIFs in our staff chat room. It was awful.

The only difference I truly have seen is that most patients don't know what a DO is. My mister is a DO, and he has been asked multiple times by confused patients when they will be able to see a doctor.

I clicked to make sure Chiropractor was last or just above being hit by a car. I was not disappointed.

It might be. Now, who is the Native American that owns Washington's football team?

Yep! For example, in an instance where a minority group has reclaimed that word and uses it among themselves as sort of a camraderie builder, it's OK. And when a white person uses the word to assign the values behind a harmful stereotype of a race to a fucking football team, it's not OK.

Racism???? Name me just ONE other example of a black guy in Washington DC whose every move is vociferously criticized by mouth-breathing asshats who get all their information from sketchy radio shows.

How exactly are the NBA making a ton of money off people who gamble on their games? I'm sure that there are positive side-effects for the league (there is a reason, after all, that people watch the Jaguars play, and it isn't cause they're fans), but the entity directly making money off legalized gambling is not the

And I'd rather be hit by a car than be President.