
But why—if women and couples are looking for something more than their own, very real human parts—would they want a plastic knock-off of those same parts in bed? Just as some people argue that retaining archaic, physical traits of notepads on our iPhones is unnecessary, companies like JimmyJane and LELO saw retaining


Far enough to be a loooos-er

No kidding. I can’t handle this sun bullshit.

Well except for the whole kid in the car thing...

Whatever you do, don’t mention the fresh salmon and halibut. That shit is so gross.

Like today. Rain, rain, rain. Will it ever end?

When I do, they will bury me right next to your sense of humor

Yeah stay home it's terrible here

As a Seattlite, I am mostly concerned with not spilling my ethically sourced coffee during the big one (and getting my fixie to safety, which is totally going to suck because it's all uphill).

Holy fuckballs

They need to keep the classic design and include some laceless options.

I was lucky enough to meet Miyazaki, in Tokyo, at Ghibli. He was more charming than his movies. Truly a great man.

Great, now everyone will want to go there

I thought it was “Hazz-erd,” you know like the Dukes of Hazzard. Git git git guh.

I got a paper route so I could buy an Atari 400 instead of a 260o. Yes I'm old. But I learned to program and got better games. Totally worth it.

Can Google also find me the closest unoccupied bathroom stall at about 1:30pm?

My definition excludes people who deserve it

Do you think this is internet shaming or maybe just a fair response to a terrible crime committed by a terrible person?

No wonder those motherfucking city ducks be trippin’