
The stickers are pretty cool, tho

New Busch is great, but nothing beats old bush

His girl on the side is actually on the side

Low hanging fruit, really

What are slacks?

What a bunch of dicks

The real enemy is a Putin led Russian dinosaur army, obvs.

I don’t want to brag, but I totally saw this move coming

Oh you think this involves some kind of fair process? That’s cute.

Four years after being appointed, Klinsmann’s team struggles through the group and loses to Jamaica, so umm, yeah it’s a referendum.

This really is astounding

I know a lot of you kids are too young to remember this, but Take That Cuba was the original name for Menudo.

I am the watcher of the balls

Inevitably, irrevocably

Why do you hate freedom, Kevin?

my kids deserve to be embarrassed, honestly

Please don’t make me think of Chris Martin’s sperm again. Please.

I’m surprised Pluto is taking our calls, given the whole planet drama and whatnot

Well then you need to get a little kid (in a totally legal, non-creepy way, natch)

The best thing about Joker is he delivers when it counts. He’ll add 5+ majors as Fed and Nadal fade and no one else steps up.