
if only it would happen to the Cleveland Browns

Damn. Ain’t nobody remember the Hospitallers.

Reeeeaaaallly carefully.

very carefully


Brigham da noise, Brigham da funk!

I had read about the discovery of the Ball island bugs a while ago, and when I first glanced at the title I thought it said “This horrible stick bug no longer exists, sorry.” Nearly gave me a heart attack because I thought there had been a fire at the facility where they were being kept or something.

I’ve never seen an estimate of the difference between chimp and human DNA as less than 1%. Last I checked, the estimate was about a 1.2% difference.

I mean, Panama’s entire existence is predicated on letting things through.

This is just acknowledgement of the fantastic job Kelly is doing at ferreting out the identities of the White House leakers. He’s even willing to go undercover as one of them to breach their inner circle. Kudos.

Count me in the asshole group.

It’s Rush Limbaugh and both he and you are the true assholes. I’ll organize a god damn parade when that greasy, obese, racist, child-fucking, hate blimp croaks.

I don’t think finding joy in the imagined death of a horrible, racist, sexist, genuinely mean person who goes out of his way to hurt other people’s lives, makes me an asshole. But if it does... I’m ok with being that type of asshole.

I know just the car for the job!

Um, Daniel Craig is 49 years old right now. I highly doubt they care.

Since the USA is the only country in the world with this kind of problem, i would say that you do need perspective aid from a foreigner.

The biggest problem with their justification is that you don’t want armor piercing for hunting, they are actually less lethal than traditional rounds.

This “hearing protection” angle is fucking ridiculous. If you’re hunting and miss, a deer is going to be spooked regardless of whether you have a silencer or not. If it’s for home protection, you don’t need a silencer because you’re shooting a criminal that broke into your house, who cares if you’re loud. If you’re at

Thx. Can we come stay w you for the next 2-64 years?