
Lolololol. Best response so far

Lol, i hope someone gets them.

Who knows, it’s all so crazy. Didn’t we just go through two crappy repetitive events too.

They lobotomized her? I missed that. Also, strangely a Millar film formula i liked. Misfit becomes special with something novel becomes awesome badass. I resist but tend to like this stupid power fantasy.

You mean facebook and any social media too

Lol, I prefer Trek, but he is awesome from what I’ve seen. And he did well in Abrham rehash 6.

Agreed, watching a video spoil the game cause I’m lazy. And if i ever watch these. It’s with volume off. Cause who the hell cares bout some mumbling.

Their copyright with people making money off them. You don’t want people taking credit for your work either. Add something real or be hit with infringement.

Nintendo consolidating efforts would guarsntee a strong switch line up.

I agree, we currently have a damn sweet deal and Mexico with Canada would stand to gain more from renegotiating. Not that I know much, but see a lot of labor benefits to the US and agriculture.

I’m getting scared. The market is looking oversaturated. With so many tabletop and licensed games it’s only a matter of time.

No way that is real and not sure how to feel.

Thorough update, but sad news

Grayson as any minority can work, circus travel reminds me of gypsies, which to me works well as travelers. Gypsies also deserve better.

It scares me Amazon commands so much.

Hmm, good for her. It was turd before, i don’t see the value in yahoo, but if ut made money. That’s what matters. Also, yes stock is compensation. It was part of her payment package. And outstanding stock isn’t free. Whereever it came from, there’s a price.

You clearly don’t know Steve Jobs 1.0

Poor people are just jealous. It wasn’t her fault her former employer is better at what Yahoo does. I just don’t see a reason to blow $4.5 billion buying yahoo. It’s core is pathetic, it’s investments were spun off. Buy the pieces, Verizon thinks this will add to AOL, but those are bad husk. 

Well i love it detail and Sigmon name.

This won’t end well. Even being so cool, but he isn’t making money and Nintendo isn’t making this version of BotW so he may get by by not taking money.