
Good specs require good games. It’s been a mediocre generation. Only 10+ standouts. Ps3, wii and 360 was a great time. And their whole 4k push is useless. I sit far back in my living room. 4k ain’t gonna do shit for me.

Man is so salty.

It is Atlus’s content. Unless something is really added, during these streams Atlus has the right. They should be charging licensing fees. Why are people watching instead of playing. It’s a video game.

CEOs are such durtbags. Not MY fault in the bad. But MY work only in the good.

Even harder.

With you on this. Been saying this since I found out it existed. 140 characters is dumb to talk bout you shitting. I don’t care and there are better services today. It won’t die cause people threw so much money at it.

I agree, sounds like a gimmick with no difference.

Even if they die. They will return. No one stays dead.

I got you. That comparison was all i needed. Funny how people are doing Nintendo better than Nintendo with this and Stardew valley

With you, lukewarm runoff seems clean to me.

This is a great discussion article. The original was so dense and complicated. I thought they lifted the plot directly.

Good for him, he bought out the work of scam artist. Has exclusive rights to and work off theirs, and now gets 900 million for buying out the Warrens. What due diligence could the producers have done?

The grind kills you slowly. But it is money.

Good points made, I found the original movie so dense. I just like Scarlett Johanson. Whitewashing was only disturbing because they wanted to edit people with CGI. That was the most wtf statement.

What, she can’t have friends? I hang out with my friends’ wives or partners all the time. It’s never been a problem with anyone. Also, people can be asexual.

Lol, mine is: did you read?

Agreed, stop doing this gift shit. I have so many weddimgs to go to, I’m tired of spending a grand+. This year alone i gotta spend $700+ to get there and stay before gifts and anything else.

I love her, proudly voted and dislike the fraud that stole her place. The sexism against her still annoys me.

Also 64 controllers were not the most durable. I am on the 10th one.

Good point. I’m no fan of the guy, but it was a joke, what a waste of time and money it would be. Also Lego Batman was good, so +1 to the rich rich jerk. Democrats should not fuck this up.