
Yes, Destiny was terrible on release. They improved it, with more releases, but a really empty half baked game when it started. The story was goofy. Moon Wizard, THE THE THE.

Possibly, but 4k only works on PC gaming. Unless you play from a couch, then it doesn’t work.

I had a lot of fun with Splatoon. But it could be improved as stated.

This is bullshit. While i wouldn’t, we can’t wear mask? That’s crap for some reason. I can see why, but can’t also.

I think witcher 3 made $650 million. But the first one wasn’t big when it first debuted.

How is he pig headed? He wanted a sure thing. Who would have known the that CD Projekt was an amazing studio? They only did ports before. You are so intelligent with hindsight.

NCAA....is it ethical? Aww who cares. It’s March.

NCAA....is it ethical? Aww who cares. It’s March.

Hmm, damn i agree on GB. Not awful is what i can say.

Rushhour was fun.

I liked this movie. Kind of strange, but still good. RT saves me the trouble of BvS. For that 3 hours worth it.

Injustice was great. But because it wasn’t all grimdark.

I love RT and reviews. Saw MoS even when I knew it was a PoS. So i stayed away from MARTHA!!!!

I’m sure he believes that. We’ve witnessed video of him denying something he said two days earlier. So microwave didn’t come from his mouth....for now.

She is talented. I still believe computers are magic. Trump is going to do worse than this.

Wtf. This is very strange.

Constantly reselling the same shit. I love DC but hate paying for the same. Jumped out at the Nu52 and definitely no regrets. Rebirth rekindled some, but i sat and waited. This is pushing me away again.

I look at so much porn. They will not be happy.

Lol, complex systems arise from the simplest of functions. So sure, you can pretend. Tom Cruise cable cutting north living suburban male dweller.

Fuckers, serious fuckers. More information for big brother information stealer. Republicans are fine with Corporations controlling us, but not government. Except when it fits them. This is why I lean left. Selfish and stupid are too ingrained in the right, right now.

Goodell, Brady, Trump. Not exactly the best faces to show.