
When you get hit hard in the head for so many years. You pay attentiin to the first number, not the important parts.

That’s incredibly funny. I’ve noticed his trends. So far i hear, bullshit, false compliment, superlative repeat.

Thank god. I don’t want any of that taint on this game.

It’s colors are too dark.

Smash 4 won me over. Didn’t care for 1 or 3, but 4 is the best to me. Just so much of everything to love.

It’s a new game, if we want more and Nintendo to be Nintendo, we should buy this if we can. I don’t need more bro gamers. I want more Nintendo and will be buying a Switch.

They can’t fuck up as badly as DC.

Shouldn’t be shopping at any retailer then, should you.

I have a data plan and there are limits, not to mention the why?

Disney doesn’t own princesses. Their copyrights should be expiring soon.

Not necessarily true, cheaper yes, but factor in health insurances getting more expensive over the same course of time. Probably would be only slightly better.

I can’t speak to pre ACA days on price.

....and what about supply. Supply and more supply.

That’s called market value. While it makes sense, i will vote with my wallet.

Forever Evil was awful. Sinestro Corps War was his best.

Not true, do not blame the religion for the stupidity of a few.

I know

I agree

It just gets worse.

One, it’s a video game. Two, it’s in a war. Three, LOLs. To the victor the spoils. I know you ain’t pure. I’ve yet to meet the savior.