
Life in prison, when people like Epstein get probation.. murderers get less time than this, armed robbers, arsonists, drunk drivers that kill people. Yes filming people without consent is dispicable and deserves societal pushback, but it isn’t near as much a danger to society as a whole and each member of it than

You sooks need to get over a long haul flight time. As a veteran of dozens of Aus to Europe flights I see a trip to US of 13 hours a short flight. I’d be happy to spend 20 hours flying to London or New York as there is no ginning around at LAX or Singapore or Dubai.

Sort of peeved nobody has taken my self-flying car concept seriously. Imagine: instead of sitting in traffic, you could fly over the traffic. Remarkable no?


Because shut up, Kyle.

Because if the cops don’t obey the laws, why should we?

I don’t think this was a good way for Koenigsegg to correct the record. They should have tweeted, “Quick jump on this One:1 before Bonham’s figures out how much it’s really worth”... which would have alerted Koenigsegg’s Saudi clientele, that follow their Twitter page, this auction is coming up and they need to bid

son: this tesla car is great dad

Do you not go pee? It’s a *public* restroom, he wasn’t showing anything more graphic than what you’d find if you....went to the restroom. Was it weird? Yeah. Pretty weird. Was it worth jail time? Come on dude.

There is a soft wear update coming for that.

Honestly, this is the best gaming news I’ve heard all year. So excited!

Urine. Blood. Hair.

L, S and D tests.

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

I don’t like that she gives him a flower instead of selling him a flower. She’s supposed to have hustle, not be a GOD DAMN COMMUNIST.

CP for the Headlights, I want them big and round

O’Leary would lend them $50k at 17% interest until he recoups $500k, and also demand a $2 royalty for every ride in perpetuity.

“You know what this will actually do? It will make us charge more than we actually want for the items in order to make up the difference. I would love to know how this helps players at all.”

I just hope it never runs out of lists.