
For all the times I like Jezebel, it’s things like this that are driving me away. A lot of the staff write callous and snarky things for no reason. It’s just mean for the sake of mean a lot of the time.

it stuns me sometimes that people actually get RICHER when family members die. like, didn’t you just lose a worker? what magic is this?

I don’t think people realize that buying your own house, having a pension/retirement plan, and/or having life insurance is a relative luxury. When my mom died, I got nothing - they even stopped the social security payments. That’s why it’s a priority that my family would be taken care of when I die. Where are the

Lol, it’s not that bad. I mean, a kid should like it?

Now, my daughter and I have lived a pretty frugal life. No big vacations, small house, one tv. Her dad’s house, on the other hand, multi-story, flat screens in every room, new cars. Very different. One day she asked me if we were poor. It made me so sad because until then I had hoped she wasn’t conscious of all that,

I never thought we were poor, growing up. My parents didn’t get me tons of toys or anything, but I thought it was because they were strict, not because they couldn’t afford them.

When my father died and there was nothing to inherit -for anyone. Mom was a day to day substitute teacher. 10 years old.


I love how all the Trump supporters in the comments who are ‘appalled’ at Gizmodo expressing something vaguely akin to a political bias (gasp!) can’t recognize that Donald Trump is, at this point, far beyond the traditional left / right divide in Washington discourse.

I first noticed him as Boggs in whatever Hunger Games movie that was. I liked that character a lot in the book and really loved his performance.

Well, this looks fucking AWESOME.

Octavia Spencer is a precious gem.

I mean, part of the whole problem is that it seems we’re always attempting to react to a thing that doesn’t have substance.

But what color is his dress?

A cooler rebellion would be if the state to redirected all of its federal tax dollars to flint and PP.

Maybe they can air an “alternative facts” season?

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

Protests are not meant to be orderly, cordoned-off events. Yes, sometimes traffic gets blocked. Sometimes business gets disrupted. Don’t do that kind of thing to protest your favorite band breaking up, but protesting Cheetolini? Hell yes! MLK, modernity’s favorite protester now viewed with rose-colored glasses,