Aaron James

Have you driven a C7? Have you driven a C7 Z06?

I saw the 2 cars backing into each other phenominon 3 times in one week. One of them turned into a fight and the police came. I’m not sure humans pay any attention whatsoever to what’s behind them when they back out.

damn, that really sucks. She was an amazing person.

If it’s the same one I’m thinking of, It’s been for sale for a long time. It’s in pieces and a LONG way from ever flying again.

First game I have ever preordered. Love fallout 4. I played the beta and haven’t even opened the fallout 76 disc to play it again. Seriously, I started a new character in Skyrim instead. In other words, the game sucks I own it and won’t even play it so no it’s not worth 35 bucks.

First game I have ever preordered. Love fallout 4. I played the beta and haven’t even opened the fallout 76 disc to

That’s a shame, I’d go back in a second.  Best years of my life were from about 88 to 98. 

The 80's were totally radical!!!!!  But the 90's kicked way more ass.

This is just the right amount of crazy.

I think it’s all those things you listed. I remember loving to see people get absolutely wrecked but now I just cringe.

LOL you expect actual journalism?  Cut and paste is all you’ll get around here.

Sure, if you are in southern Ohio and have insurance :)

I should know better ;)  It’s really a shame, they are great cars.

Come drive my C7 and tell me it sucks!

JB Weld will fix that right up.


Losing the Best Writer Jalopnik has.  Too bad for us :(

the way it works is the buyer writes a check for the million directly to the charity so he is the one donating, not the seller or the auction house. Then when tax time comes he deducts the 200k or so MSRP of what he received in return and then can write the rest off as charity. 

yes, minus the actual retail value of the goods received.

Lol, you want actual journalism? That’s funny :)

There need to be way more fights in baseball, It’s sooooooo BORING!