Aaron James

Nothing will ever replace Why did you turn or pretty sure that’s a Lambo, these are seared into our minds. We can certainly add “hit the gas Doug” though :)

It never gets old

you basically have to pay for the car twice with all the import taxes.

There will always be winners and losers. Everyone can’t be a Loser!

Hell yeah, Crank it up!!!!

Or his wife really loves the car and he wants her to be happy. Did you ever think of that or are you an Incel?

You are married so you understand the term Happy Wife, Happy life right? Ease up a little on the guy, no need to be so aggressive!

Blood, Urine, Vomitus Sounds like one hell of a party!

Last Christmas I got my boys the Atari and the super Nintendo flashback things. they played with them a grand total of 1 time. The SNES was at least fun, the Atari was garbage and barely worked, too frustrating to actually play.

It saddens me that it was absolutely necessary for you to explain this. I weep for our future!

Please just kill yourself instead of wishing death on millions of people.

It’s 2 Volkswagen VR6's smooshed together isn’t it?

My kids do 4H, they raise goats and Chickens, Last year my Son’s pair of winning chickens sold for almost a thousand dollars (worth 5 bucks each realistically). The Local businesses do it to support the kids and that money goes right in his college fund. I wonder if this is something similar.

That’s Marco Andretti in his 2014 Honda. Very much an Indy Car.

Truth. I’m almost at the point where I just need to disconnect for my own mental well being.

your facts offend me, stop it

The internet really is a horrible place.


I take my Corvette in to the dealer for the oil change. Can I do it myself? yes, is it worth 100 bucks to have them do it? yes it sure is. It takes almost 10 quarts of Mobil 1 so when you look and see how much just the oil costs, it’s not a bad deal.

you know, just general crowd control....