Aaron James

I could buy 1000 used Mustangs for that.......

I’ll take the coupe please

Never, Ever Turn Off The Traction Control!!!!

Most people in the United States are White so of course most Rich people are white. There are also more poor white people than poor black people so you could say most poor people are white!

too bad, I already have the winner right here in my hand.

“After pleading guilty to charges of violating sanctions and illegally shipping US goods to Iran, ZTE agreed to pay almost $900 million in fines in 2017, with up to $300 million in possible additional damages”

I couldn’t do that many in a month if I’m completely honest

What else is the comment section for other than to critique and complain?

Or was she (article says female officer) following the law to the T when maybe some leniency should have been shown?

Shit it’s only 5 Billion dollars.....

Much obliged

Naaa, I’m not thirsty, I just think it’s funny that whole articles are being written about oral sex preferences of the stars....

I wish, I’ve seen him in person and can honestly say he is probably the most attractive man on earth. I swooned and my Girlfriend (at the time) passed out. No lies!!!!

I try not to be crude or rude but I promise you, I would have sex with this car!!!!

I’m about to win the 233 million Powerball, so I’ll just buy it for her when my numbers come in.

No low ballers I know what I have! I’ll even throw in this nice rock hard protective coating for free.

Yeah I really wasn’t paying attention a year ago. It’s pretty obvious now what’s going on. If they could focus on the core business I think they could actually a dollar or two.

I eat the front and the back! Can I get a write up or something.....

He would have had a 700-R4 in that body style. They are basically made of chewing gum and coat hangers.

Right, just showing that there are people out there that this would make sense for. I’m in my 40's and live in Ohio, my rates are very low so it really wouldn’t make sense for me.