Aaron James

I love the internet, nothing is a mystery anymore. How much pork can you get for 4500 bucks? Try finding that out from the library in the 90's.

I use mine for the back of my neck and shoulders, it works great for that. I’m not super hairy but it works better than anything short of an actual razor.

I use mine for the back of my neck and shoulders, it works great for that. I’m not super hairy but it works better

I pay less than 1000 a year for my 2015 Corvette and about 380 a year for my 2013 Ford Escape in Ohio.

My girlfriend gagged on a spoon, they’re not safe anymore either!

Yep I have those and HULU, I’m not paying for anything else no matter how great it is.

The way you are white knighting this jeep makes me think you have to be the owner. If you’re not the owner, allow me to chuckle at the amount of time you’ve spent defending something you’ve never seen.

Ask your Lawyer. Whichever side is best at finding those nitty gritty details and old case law will win.

Other than the underbite which doesn’t bother me too much, I think it’s a nice looking little car from the 50's/60's

You are right, Domino’s has no case, SAM wins by internet law. Great work. :)

Chevy could go after him with a trademark claim if they wanted to. That’s why you see cars in TV and Movies without any badges unless the movie or TV show has licensed the right to use those Trademarks.

Nike and Chevy could go after him if they wanted to. That’s why on Some TV shows like Impractical Jokers and those types of shows you’ll see Shirts and Hats blurred out. Also why you see Cars in TV shows and commercials that do not have any badges.

If you have Cash, I would assume you have a bank account and a debit card. Debit cards buy the exact same things credit cards buy. Also go to the ticket counter at the Airport, they will gladly take your cash.

He is Making money from videos featuring Domino’s trademarks. Can’t do that.

Giant Flaming Penis!

There is an ongoing contest over there to see who can be the absolute worst...

I feel like it needs a stronger name like “Satan’s Cock”


letssssssss be best friendsssssss

you’re the bessssssssssst :)

kay you never disssssssssapoint...