The only winning move is not to play

That’s honestly all social media. Much like veterans, other high risk groups use social media as a safe haven or tool for fighting more powerful groups. Gay/trans youth that live in staunchly conservative households or communities, Black communities that the city/state is trying to shove a new highway through, farmers

Facebook is probably one of the many companies that feed him bribes every month to not give a fuck.

Well I’m sure it’s going to be followed by a ban on all physical products manufactured in China, and a ban on any businesses who carry said products. For protection.

You misspelled Giantfart.

Somehow I don’t think old Greg “Body Slam” Gianforte has Montana’s best interests in mind.

One veteran, a metal sculptor who showcases his profession in videos, said his fellow veterans would call him if he hadn’t posted in a few days because they worried about his mental health. He said he did not know where else he could find such a community.

Cool. So what are you doing to protect that data from Facebook, who has shown even more willingness to abuse it for profit?

Still looks insanely good for a 54 year old. If I remember his hair has been gray for decades - you can see his dyed brown hair in deadwood with gray that occasionally peeks through.

Next you’ll just be able to stand on the sidewalk and wave at them to give you a ride. The future possibilities really are endless.

Spoiler: He is old.

Calling a phone number for a ride service. The future has arrived.

Calling it now, just a new Fit EV and a hybrid Prelude.

70% of Trump Voters Think

There was a writer (or comedian; can’t remember who said this) who pointed out that falling back on freedom of speech was the worst argument possible not only because it’s misused so much, but because if your sole argument is that it’s not literally illegal for you to say the words, you’re giving away how weak the

Wait, wait, wait. You’re telling me that a billionaire, who can afford to buy and pay for absolutely anything his heart desires including the best childcare in the world, doesn’t see why working from home is beneficial to some of us? Is this the same guy who tweets constantly about plummeting birth rates and how the

Says someone who didn’t pay his office rent.

Hi Vinfast

Everyone should want a SuperCub.