The only winning move is not to play

Some of these have to be because of the connection to Twitter, cause:

We canceled it, but returned after Amazon bought Whole Foods. The stupid Prime discounts at WF make the membership worth it for our family. I also share the account with my mom who uses the shipping and Prime Video. 

i do something like this, but without the bagel:

Anyone have the gofundme link? Would have been nice to link it considering this kind of senseless violence has become normalized to the point where many feel it just “is what it is”. No TF it’s not.

The only thing I can come up with is a somewhat common game of brinksmanship played with various debt covenants.

If you believe that it would be harder for your debtholder to deal with the immediate loss of revenue by you not paying that debt/financial responsibility, you could theoretically convince them to

Remember ye olden days when we begged netflix to save good tv shows? Now we watch the trailer and know it will be immediately canceled.

One place I worked at, they are shockingly still alive, was so hand to mouth that they would basically never pay any of the corporate card bills until they threatened collection.

When will the cancellation of this series debut?

He’s not all that, either. 

The “just asking questions” spiel is lazy and cowardly.

Jamie Dimon makes $34 million a year to run that place. What the fuck does he do if he can’t get it to do enough due diligence to avoid paying nine figures for a scam? He certainly doesn’t spend any time ensuring JPMC complies with the law.

 It has to be some kind of humiliation kink at this point. 

Its a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for them,...

The neckbeards that stan for the assclown named Elon, illustrated:

Is it ridiculous that it feels like a sign of progress to me that there are more female high level business grifters than there used to be?

 Elon's still not gonna fuck you,  "royal bigness".

controversial and questionable cost-saving strategies

Refusing to pay rent—and subsequently getting Twitter sued for doing so—is yet another of billionaire’s controversial and questionable cost-saving strategies at Twitter.

If you read the troll in the grey carefully, you’ll see a certain angle appear. Life is so terribly difficult for a Kremlin shill. But at least we know that his superiors haven’t sent him to Ukraine yet, so there’s that.