The only winning move is not to play


“Parler Cancels Employees”

I guess their beloved Market has spoken, and they will all accept Its judgement with grace and humility.

Crypto is a scam.  Just stay away from all of it.

You’ve got to pound the pollo. 

Wow, you’re cute. Naive, but cute

No matter how you formulate this industry, it is still a scam.

My first thought was that it WAS Elon, but we know it’s not because there’s no way Elon would ever say anything without making sure everyone knew it was him.

Elon’s not gonna fuck you, dude.

The DC Metro Bus account was obviously banned because it was doxxing people by providing updates on the location of the busses people were riding on.  

Charge the parents with attempted murder.

“The Right’s go-to tactic these days is labelling stuff they don’t like”

True, but also irrelevant.

Err...’cancel culture’ is shunning and shunning has been a thing for a long time. I mean just the first thing that comes to mind and it’s extremely recent in the history of shunning:

Seems like Speaker of the House material. George Santos better watch out. 

Yes, indeed. That is what is missing from most commentary about FTX. I mean people did lose their money and that IS truly horrible.

how has this dude not found the republican party yet?

no, u

Lol, he’s got the comeback ability of a toddler too.

“Anti-Woke” bank.