The only winning move is not to play


Letitia may have apologized for her anti-vax comments but she never came out “pro” vaccine and is still not vaccinated.

The virus has already proven time and time again that it doesn't care what anyone believes.

Similarly, I have $2.2 billion dollars worth of garden hoses in my garage, because I have 2, and each are valued at $1.1 billion each, according to what I say they’re worth, so therefore this must be quite the accurate and normal way to judge and assign value.

He’s important enough that there’s been a very noticeable increase in antisemitism after his (public) outbursts started, including violence and graffiti explicitly citing him as inspiration. He might lose a lot of his place in polite company, but he’s likely to remain at least a gateway to fringe/hate beliefs.

It’s amazing to me that BC is still “worth” over $15k; anyone with half a brain who still owns that shit should have gotten out already by now. It’s never going to go back up again; all of crypto is just a big ole scam, all of it, and the repeated bankruptcies of these pseudo-banks and the repeated crashes of their

Please do not elect him into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Ever. Vanilla Ice deserves to get in before West.

His campaign is being run by Milo Yougottabefuckinghigh, that is enough said right there.

Every right winger that’s been spreading lgbtq hate mongering is partly responsible for this.

Jaylen surprised you? Known antivaxxer and member of Kanye’s DONDA Sports surprised you with 'accidentally' supporting an anti Jewish black supremacist group?

Now playing

Shout out to the security guards putting their life on the line at Alba de Vida substance abuse treatment clinic in Buffalo, N.Y! #Salute

But he took the guy’s gun, so he -became- a good guy with a gun. Point and mate, libtards!

So, “a good guy with no gun”?  Can’t wait to hear the NRA’s spin on that one...fucking troglodytes.

I believe Brady was an investor, I don’t know about the rest.

Hey don’t blame Larry he tried to warn yall 

Every investor in FTX got what they deserved.

what a useless edgelord dickface of a person. 

It would be like investing in a new start-up from Adam Neumann of WeWork after he lost Softbank BILLIONS of dollars.

Step 1 in CryptoBro Culture -- never, ever, eeeeeeever admit a mistake.   Repeat ad infinitum.

Fuckin’ Canadian a-hole. He stole client money, you tool.