The only winning move is not to play

What a dumb fuck.

“Behold, the Twitter of the future!”

Disruption works as a strategy when it’s other peoples buisness model that you’re disrupting. When you’re disrupting your own business model, that’s called flailing.

It takes a regular trimming for a pine to grow into the shape of a Christmas tree.

Gronk only pawn in game of life. 

You’re asking a guy who named his kid X Æ A-12 to do things sensibly?
(No offense to the kid)

I hope Gronk is ok.

Just when I didn’t think I could love Al any more than I already do, I get sent this...

Weird Al was 100% making a joke.  If anyone was fooled by it, they haven’t been paying attention to Weird Al for any part of his career.

For anyone interested: the Weird Al movie is fantastic.

Don’t cook your eggs in a pan....Don’t drink your coffee in a cup, Don’t drive your car on a road

But at least 20% of those bots are crypto related...

My favorite part of clicking on that link for Bob’s Watches was when they offered me $100 off for giving them my e-mail address. That brings the price of a second-hand Patek Phillipe Nautilus down to a cool $139, 895. What a deal!

Emperor Moe. Fifteen minutes. Succeeded by Emperor Curly.

you’ll need to exit the player to see YouTube-specific elements like comments

A little mustard jazzes up any vinaigrette.

I dunno, that doesn’t seem as bad to me as y’all made it sound. At best, you’re seeing dry tortilla hanging out of his lip. You had me thinking you were seeing the wet cheese slapping on his tongue.

And yet, literally nothing about doing that requires blockchain or NFTs.

Earlier this year I saw Sebastian Maniscalco in concert. The day after Ticketmaster let me know by email I was eligible for some kind of NFT souvenir from the show.

So what you’re saying is, now is the time to buy.......