The only winning move is not to play

The unmentioned backstory is usually that the 20-something in question is a trust fund kid whose parents have an 8- or 9-figure net worth and a network of influential relatives and business contacts. But by gosh it was all hard work!

4.  The AVClub wrote the article and not The Root

Funny, I told them I was Brian Cox’s dad and they did not believe me. I even told them to “Fuck Off” but it still did not work

Uh, Zendaya’s mom is white. Here she is with both her parents.

Disagree. My first thought was “this is dumber than Juicero.,” but I’ll admit it is close.

Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and

This isn't Juicero stupid, but it's close. 

Oh good.  My Juicero was feeling lonely.

Then you’re going to miss out on the newest hot item in crypto: JoshCoin. It’ll be so disruptive, there’s only going to be maybe 10 minted and I’m going to sell NFTs of them so that Bored Ape people can have their very own original copy and I’m going to be rolling in dough that’s going to be promptly stolen from

Why would they write *less* about something bad? Bad news sells.

Good thing crypto is free from regulation and manipulation by powerful corporate entities!

The entire idea of crypto is garbage and I can’t for the fad to pass.

Supporters that can’t see through his con, which at this point I have no idea how you can’t.

I’m surprised it hasn’t already collapsed under the weight of its own nonsense and Nunes.

again, he is thought of as a “business genius” LOL.

I have to give credit where credit is due:

he is nothing if not consistent-

trump university

Only as long as you keep that balance.  Once your “credit utilization” goes down, the change in your score will go down quickly.  There’s no long term effect of temporarily having a large balance.

I always hate the people that say "I bet this comment will be removed" or something to the like. Those comments always precede a rant of persecution syndrome.